
Summit Programme

IVth CEE Summit Programme

On behalf of the Czech Society for Metabolic Bone Diseases and the Austrian Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des Knochen und Mineralstoffwechsels, we have the privilege to invite you for our 4th European Osteoporosis Summit - Central Europe meeting which will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, between December 03-05, 2010. The meeting is the continuation of the Summits that took place in Vienna 2006, Warsaw 2008, and Budapest 2009. The conference is aimed to be a meeting of a group of experts of Central-Eastern Europe in order to discuss some key questions in osteoporosis and share the country inputs and experience.

The conference will start with a plenary lecture and welcome dinner at 7:00 PM on December 3rd evening. The meeting itself will begin at 8:00 AM on December 4th and end at approximately 6.00 PM.

Attendance is on the invitation, only.

Summit program in detail attached.

The meeting logistics will be coordinated by Congress Business Travel Ltd. Czech Agency. Further details according meeting logistics please find on CBT web page or on SMOS web page (