Výběr z uskutečněných akcí
CBT organizovala tyto vybrané události:
Událost | Účastníci |
2008 | |
1. středomoravské dny laboratorní medicíny, Chrastice | |
Tenneco symposium, Vysoké Tatry | 150 |
3rd Congress of ECCO, Lyon, France | |
Pracovni dny Roche, Brno | 100 |
Johnson & Johnson, Israel, Tel Aviv & Beer Sheeba | |
Education visit to Dublin, Wyeth Whitehall Czech | 50 |
Digestive Disease Week, San Diego, USA, Abbott Laboratories | |
Využití strukturálních fondů ve Španělsku, Madrid | 55 |
44. celostátní sjezd biochemických laborantů, Hotel Voroněž, Brno | 450 |
TENNECO - WTCC Brno 2008 | 150 |
TENNECO Hungary - Prague, Hodkovice, Brno | 150 |
TENNECO Romania - Prague, Hodkovice, Brno | 150 |
TENNECO Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Byelorussya - Prague ,Brno | 150 |
TENNECO Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria - Brno | 150 |
TENNECO Ukraine, Moldova - Prague, Brno | 150 |
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Resort sv. Kateřina | 50 |
32. kongres České nefrologické společnosti, Regionální centrum, Olomouc | 700 |
7th International Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Application, Prague, Czech Republic | 260 |
AACC Annual Meeting 2008, Washington | |
15th Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress – University College London, London, UK | |
XXI. biochemický sjezd České společnosti pro biochemii a molekulární biologii a Slovenské spoločnosti pre biochémiu a molekulárnu biológiu, České Budějovice | 550 |
29. celostátní konference gynekologů zabývajících se ultrazvukovou diagnostikou s mezinárodní účastí, Hotel Frymburk, Lipno | 400 |
13th Congress of the Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology – APLAR 2008, Yokohama, Japonsko | |
EC twinning project, Development of national coding standards within the Czech DRG system, Andel´s Hotel, Prague | 70 |
Využití strukturálních fondů v Holandsku, Haag, Holandsko, Statní fond životního prostředí | 55 |
Mendel Symposium II, Genes and the heart, Castle Liblice, Czech Republic | 120 |
20th International Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Fortaleza, Brazil | 80 |
X. Česko-slovenské dialogy o bolesti, BW Premier hotel International, Brno | 600 |
Haifa incentive group, Johnson and Johnson, Cordis divize, Tel Aviv | |
UEGW Vienna 2008, 16th United European Gastroenterology Week, Vienna, Austria | |
Využití strukturálních fondů v Portugalsku, Lisabon, Portugalsku | |
XXXIII. Flebologické dny, Praha, Homolka | 150 |
XXXI Pan-American Congress of Gastroenterology, CasaPiedra, Santiago, Chile | 150 |
Výměnný pobyt mezi UK Praha a Univerzitou L. Pasteura Štrasburk | |
Využití strukturálních fondů v Irsku, Dublin, Irsko | |
2007 | |
4th Mayo Clinic State of the Art Symposium on Hematologic Malignancies, Wellington, New Zealand | |
CHERNE 2007, Praha ČVUT | 150 |
EuroPress Meeting 2007, hotel Adria | 70 |
Boat Party / Czech Nephrological Society / Janssen Cilag, Praha | 100 |
International Symposium IUAPB, Hotel Hilton, Prague | 800 |
EUROMEDLAB 2007, 17thIFCC-FESCC European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Amsterdam, RAI Congress Centre | 140 |
Company Teaching Course, Roche Diagnostics, Poděbrady | 70 |
Tenneco Automotive Meeting, Praha | 150 |
Tenneco Automotive Meeting, Brno | 150 |
XXIst Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 53rd Annual Meeting of its Scientific and Standardization Committee, ISHT 2007, Geneva, Switzerland | |
4th International Symposium of Biosorption and Bioremediation, Praha, Hotel Mövenpick | 450 |
5th Conference on Protection against Radon at Home and at Work, Praha ČVUT | 200 |
Fujirebio Diagnostics Meeting, Praha | 250 |
Conference of the European Society of AASW, Praha, Národní dům na Smíchově | 550 |
International Conference - SPIRITUALITY 2007, Praha, Teologická fakulta, "Psychological Approach in a Interdisciplinary Confrontation" | 300 |
VIII. Celostátní sjezd České společnosti klinické biochemie s mezinárodní účastí, České Budějovice | 550 |
VII Symposium "RREPS-07" / Radiationfrom Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures / Praha | 150 |
21st World Congress of Dermatology, Buenos Aires | |
2nd Congress of ELP, TOP Hotel Praha | 450 |
XXXII. Flebologické dny s mezinárodní účastí, Hotel FIT FUN, Harrachov | 150 |
Pracovní den Roche s.r.o. | 70 |
2006 | |
Education and Training in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine | |
31. Flebologické dny s mezinárodní účastí, Nemocnice Na Homolce, Praha | 150 |
10th European ALARA Network Workshop | 100 |
FEBS - ACC Meeting | 50 |
International Astronomical Union XXVIth General Assembly | 2800 |
31. Kongres České nefrologické společnosti | 700 |
7th European Conference "Sauveur" - Safeguarded cultural heritage | 290 |
43. Celostátní sjezd biochemických laborantů | 300 |
2005 | |
EC4 Board Meeting 2005 | 50 |
VII. Celostátní sjezd České společnosti klinické biochemie ČLS JEP | 500 |
IASIL 2005 Conference International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures |
400 |
42. Celostátní sjezd biochemických laborantů BIOLAB 2005 | 400 |
Česko-moravské symposium laboratorní medicíny | 250 |
Školení - využití strukturálních fondů EU | 20 |
PP'05 Symposium European Society for the Study of Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man |
150 |
XIII ERA-EDTA Congress | |
350 |
6th Internatonal Conference on Preventive Cardiology | |
16th IFCC - FESCC European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine | 150 |
Tenneco zasedání | 50 |
Výstava Conexpo | |
4th Conference on Hyperhomocysteinemia | |
IATDMCT Congress | |
Experimental Biology Congress | |
Roche Diagnostics Days | 150 |
Český Telecom | |
2004 | |
Education and Training in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine | 250 |
VIth Czecho-Slovak Dialogues on Pain | 450 |
13th International Safe Communities Conference | 700 |
Liberecké symposium laboratorní medicíny | 250 |
BIOLAB 2004 - 41. Celostátní sjezd biochemických laborantů | 300 |
2003 | |
XXVIII. Flebologické dny | 200 |
1st International Educational Course of Central European Vascular Forum (CEVF) Theme: Duplex Ultrasonography |
50 |
VI. Celostátní sjezd České společnosti klinické biochemie s mezinárodní účastí |
500 |
13th International Conference on CYTOCHROMES P450 "Biochemistry, Biophysics and Drug Metabolism" | 400 |
EUROMEDLAB Barcelona | 2 000 |
Country-wide Integrated Non-communicable Diseases Intervention Program (CINDI) - Conference of CINDI Directors |
50 |
Tenecco Automotive | 100 |
40. Celostátní sjezd biochemických laborantů BIOLAB 2003 | 400 |
2002 | |
The 18th International Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine | 5 500 |
FISH CAMP | 500 |
XXVII. Česko-rakouské flebologické dny | 250 |
Konference DYNARGIE 2002 | 100 |
ABBOTT Conference/Hypertension |
100 |
LIONS CLUB (incentive programme) |
50 |
Incentive programme for the group of catholic guests from Belgium |
50 |
39. Celostatni sjezd biochemickych laborantu BIOLAB 2002 | 300 |
2001 | |
Czechoslovak International Conference on Differential Equations and their Applications "EQUADIFF 10" | 400 |
14th IFCC "EUROMEDLAB Prague 2001" - European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine and 5th Czech National Congress of Clinical Biochemistry | 2 500 |
2000 | |
12th Regional Conference IUAPPA and 4th International Conference on "Environmental Impact Assessment PRAGUE 2000" | 200 |
EDANA Nonwovens Symposium Prague 2000 | 400 |
Traditional Days of Angiology with international participation | 200 |
2nd EONS Spring Convention 2000 | 300 |
International Symposium on Oncology Pharmacy Practice | 1 200 |
International Symposium "The Developing Heart" | 150 |
1999 | |
XIth International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology | 1 500 |
2nd Congress of Federation of European Physiological Societies | 500 |
1998 | |
1st Congress of Central European Vascular Forum | 350 |
XVth World Congress of International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology | 600 |
1997 | |
3rd World Congress of Herpetology | 800 |
3rd Conference on Audiology | 700 |
1996 | |
International Conference "The Chronic Leukaemias" | 300 |
10th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery | 1 800 |
1st Conference of the Society for Metabolic Diseases of the Skeleton with international participation | 250 |
1995 | |
The XV World Congress of the Internationhal Society for Heart Research | 1 000 |
EUROTOX 95 | 800 |
European Congress "Progress in Clinical Virology" | 500 |
1994 | |
International Institutes on the Prevention and Treatment of Alcoholism and Drug Dependences | 500 |
1992 | |
FEACO - Business without Boundaries | 600 |